LetsExchange x HAI integration: Effortless Swaps with 3,500+ Tokens
We have seamlessly integrated HAI into LetsExchange, the premier instant exchange platform supporting an extensive range of cryptocurrencies globally. This integration opens up new options for HAI holders and traders, offering them greater accessibility, enhancing the experience of using the HAI token, approaching more opportunities for the Hacken community.
What’s New?
HAI holders can now seamlessly swap their HAI for over 3,500 cryptocurrencies on LetsExchange. Its functionality, namely the variability of tokens for swap on the HAI, is a strong advantage compared to exchanges, which will contribute to your HAI experience.
HAI on VeChain is available in the Swap tab – you can exchange any token from the list to HAI, including cross-chain. This enables you to get HAI on VeChain for Bitcon directly via the link.
HAI on ERC and BSC networks are available in the DEX tab – you can exchange tokens to HAI within the same network effortlessly.
The HAI integration to LetsExchange is a significant boon for both the Hacken community and HAI traders. To take advantage of the integration, simply visit the Hacken.AI main page, click on the “Get HAI” button and choose “LetsExchange” from the drop-down list.
How to Swap
For detailed instructions on how the swapping process works, you can refer to this link.
The integrated swap on the Hacken.AI main page is just the beginning. Our collaboration with LetsExchange is set to usher in more exciting updates and improvements in the near future, as we are committed to making HAI even more accessible and user-friendly.
Behind the Integration
LetsExchange is an industry-leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting 3,500+ cryptocurrencies. The company constantly incorporates innovative products and solutions for businesses that impact the market. Individuals and crypto-related companies can integrate the LetsExchange infrastructure through API, use exchange widgets and buttons, branded Telegram bots, and white-label solutions.
Integration with LetsExchange brings unique opportunities for each $HAI holder. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance the utility and accessibility of HAI.