Seamless Swaps with LetsExchange: New Feature in hAI
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance, accessibility and convenience are paramount. The ability to seamlessly exchange your assets is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. At Hacken, we’re dedicated to ensuring that the HAI token is easily accessible, especially with exciting upcoming events on the horizon. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the integration of LetsExchange into our hAI, introducing a timely addition: the Swap function, just when demand for it is at its peak.
What’s New?
Any user can now seamlessly swap over 3,800 cryptocurrencies for HAI. This integration introduces more entry points to the token, making it more convenient and seamlessly available whenever you desire. Beyond being a store of value, HAI is evolving into a versatile medium for transactions, access to real-world goods, and active participation in the digital economy.
Now, you can enter our ecosystem with a wide range of tokens, ensuring an accessible gateway to all the possibilities HAI offers.
Here’s what you need to know about this exciting development:
- The new feature enables you to swap a wide variety of cryptocurrencies for HAI, making it easier to diversify your portfolio.
- The flexibility of LetsExchange extends to cross-chain swaps. This means you can directly swap your tokens from various networks for HAI on VeChain, offering you a world of possibilities.
Using the Swap Feature
Step 1: Open your wallet in hAI and look for the prominent “Swap” button.
Step 2: Click the “Swap” button, and a new window will appear. Select the tokens you want to swap from the dropdown menus. Then, enter the amount you wish to exchange. Keep in mind that there are minimum (approximately $100) and maximum volumes (around 15 BTC) for swapping, which may vary based on the market indicators of the token.
Step 3: Confirm the swap by clicking the “Confirm” button. You’ll receive a notification once the swap is successfully completed.
And voilà, you’re all set to enjoy your HAI in its new form! These simple steps ensure that you can seamlessly swap tokens within hAI’s user-friendly interface.
What’s Next?
The integration of LetsExchange is just the starting point. An array of forthcoming, exciting updates and refinements await. Our commitment to enhancing the accessibility and ease of use of HAI is unwavering. With upcoming events on the horizon, these features will be in high demand. We encourage you to enter hDAO and propose features you believe are essential.
Behind the Integration
LetsExchange is a leading platform for crypto-to-crypto swaps, supporting over 3,800 cryptocurrencies. Their constant innovation and dedication to providing accessible solutions make them a perfect partner for Hacken. This integration brings unique opportunities for each HAI holder and the wider Hacken community.
As we continue to enhance the utility and accessibility of HAI, stay tuned for more updates and features in the hAI. The future of hassle-free crypto swaps is here, so be sure to wait for more exciting hAI updates soon!
Update your app, hop into your wallet, and give the new swap feature a try because you’ll find it you’ll find quite useful in the near future: