HAI TestHarvest – Swap, Explore & Compete for a Bigger Pool Share
Embark on an exhilarating journey through the crypto fields with HAI TestHarvest, a vibrant collaboration between LetsExchange and Hacken. The fields are ripe, and the tasks are ready – join this thrilling adventure to cultivate your slice of the 100,000 HAI pool. Hosted on Zealy by LetsExchange, the HAI TestHarvest awaits. Swap, quest, and let the HAI rewards bloom in this harvest rendezvous!
HAI TestHarvest Duration
From November 15th to December 6th. HAI has planted its seeds, urging you to harvest your share of the 100,000 HAI pool.
How to Participate:
Participation is as simple as swapping. Head to LetsExchange Quest and cultivate your rewards.
Subscribe to our Twitter accounts:
- Hacken Club
- HackenAI
- LetsExchange.io
Complete the tasks:
- Repost the announcement and tag three friends. Don’t forget to include a screenshot for confirmation.
- Cultivate a swap of any coin for HAI on VeChain. Capture the transaction hash or Exchange ID for confirmation. For detailed swap instructions, check our recent blog post here.
Harvest rewards for your engagement:
🌾 HAI Pool Share:
- Embark on the HAI TestHarvest, the inaugural phase for early users to test our latest product updates, featuring a portion of our dedicated 100,000 HAI pool. This initial exploration zeroes in on testing the Swap feature, and your participation in this distinctive opportunity will yield rewards from this section of the pool. Your bounty flourishes based on amount of your transactions – the more times you swap, the larger your share in this exploratory harvest! The pool will be distributed during Q4 2023 – Q1 2024 based on LetsExchange data.
🎁 LetsExchange Promotional Code:
- LetsExchange special cashback codes for swapping on LetsExchange.io (for three transactions).
Unlock the HAI TestHarvest adventure, cultivate the tasks, and immerse yourself in a crypto quest like never before. Swap, quest, and gather your HAI rewards. Don’t miss the chance to enrich your crypto journey!